This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  © Copyright 2018 Shoraz Yusuf. All rights reserved.














































  The day the universe died

  As the end of the universe loomed on the horizon, and as the earth lay in ruins and humanity – along with all forms of life within the universe – stood on the brink of extinction. The betasapiens, knights, humans and superhumans were engaged in the greatest battle that the earth had ever witnessed. And as the battle raged on and the sides of good and evil continued destroying and ravaging each other, the universe began its spiral of death. Then, as everyone looked up to the skies above it was as if time stood still, and as the fabric of reality began to tear apart, that’s when they arrived.

  A breach in protocol was discovered, and they traveled through space and time, and as they broke through the fabric of reality they arrived in our universe ready to take corrective measures, which included the utter destruction of our universe itself, which they had so carefully crafted and built for creating and sustaining life of all forms – both the seen and the unseen, as well as both the known and the unknown.

  Those among the betasapiens, knights, humans and superhumans that had so far survived the Second Great War were instantly destroyed, except for a select few who were hidden and taken away by the unknown beings back to their mythical realm; the realm of our creators – Zerros.

  Among those who were taken away by the unknown beings, who in reality were three covert sentinels from Zerros; was the one whose soul traveled through eons and lifetimes to find its friend and companion who it made an oath to protect for all of eternity.

  Then, with its mission complete, the vessel again broke through the fabric of reality to begin its journey back to Zerros, and as it did so, the skies turned red, and the universe began imploding back into itself.

  Then, as the universe continued along its spiral of death, and the quasars, black holes, galaxies, stars, and planets, along with the multitudes of other life forms that made up the universe collided into each other and destroyed everything in their paths, including themselves; the earth melted from the explosion of the sun, and it disintegrated into nothing, and every form of life, which included humans, superhumans, knights and betasapiens amongst the many, many others in existence were now extinct, and the universe known as the Xerrolux was now dead and diminished to complete nonexistence and absolute nothingness after billions upon billions of years in existence.

  In the end, nothing was left, and everything was destroyed, and our great universe – the Xerrolux – was now no more than a distant memory of a once immaculate and majestic creation, and unknown to even our creators and those who ruled their mystical realm, was that the fate of their world, as well as the fates of the many universes, galaxies, and life forms under their control, were about to change forever.


  The past – Early twenty–fourth century – Earth – Africa

  As she looked back, she could see the lights of the aircraft in pursuit of her. She frantically gazed around looking for the best escape route, but all that she could see were the open plains of Tanzania.

  “Damn it!” she said; wishing that she had planned her escape in a more suitable area.

  To the east, she saw mountains, but as she began running in that direction, all she could hear were the screaming sounds of missiles being launched at her. Her speed then accelerated to a near unhuman–like velocity, but the missiles still kept getting closer and closer. Then before she knew it; she was hit with such force that it propelled her into the night sky.

  As her body flew through the air and landed heavily on the ground, all she could think of was the excruciating pain that rushed throughout her body. The feeling of pain she was experiencing was as if the sun were touching a cold and crisp iceberg, burning through it with ferociousness and power unlike anything the iceberg had ever felt before, yet in this state of unimaginable pain, all she kept thinking about was escaping her evil captors, while in the background, she could hear more missiles and lasers and the sounds of animals being needlessly killed.

  As she lay there, she realized her enemy didn’t know where she was and was targeting anything and everything in desperation and hope that one of them was her. Then suddenly the noise of the fighting stopped, and the lights of the aircraft shone brightly towards the ground and she could hear the knights heading in different directions knowing that eventually if she stayed put they would find her.

  As thoughts of her capture raced through her mind, she looked at herself and saw the damage inflicted on her. Her left ankle was severely sprained, and her right leg had a massive cut, and the blood was flowing profusely.

  Her hands were bloodied and gravely damaged as well from the fall to the ground and she couldn’t see the damage to her face or head, but she felt an agonizing pain. The flow of blood on the side of her head gave her an indication that the stitches that held her wound together after her unwanted brain operation had loosened; and of all her injuries this was the one that worried her the most.

  She knew her best chance of escape was to run into the darkness, but she also knew that the knights would eventually search every area of the savannah looking for her, for if they didn’t their leaders would kill them all. If they were to lose her they better have a good explanation, but not even that would save them from the torture and eventual death at the hands of their power hungry leaders.

  After being on the run from knights for the majority of her life she knew that running through a savannah would not lead her to the freedom she so desperately wanted, and she would have to face her enemy in order to escape. If she were in this situation before her unwanted and forced brain operation, it would have been a much different scenario as her abilities would have allowed her to decimate her enemies. But now, with a very limited arsenal, it was a much different battle; she no longer had her full plethora of superhuman abilities to defeat her enemies; and in order to esc
ape she would have to outthink them, but that would be easier said than done as they were not human.

  As the knights got closer, she used what little ability she had left to disguise her body temperature to a point where she was undetectable. She then slowly hobbled into the darkness to give herself some more time knowing fully well that her escape lay on the other side of her enemies. She also knew that her best chance of a getaway would be to take control of one of their aircrafts, and as those thoughts went through her mind she counted the aircrafts that could lead her to freedom.

  “One, two, three,” she silently tallied.

  She would have to seize one of the aircrafts and destroy the other two so that she could not be followed she thought, as she strategized her plan. Then, as she looked up she saw a knight flying in an airmobile heading in her direction.

  “No,” she said, “Not now,” she needed more time, but as the airmobile got closer to her she realized that it was now or never and she had to make a move, which she hoped would lead her to the freedom that she so desperately needed.

  She then summoned what little abilities she had left and disappeared into thin air. Then, as the airmobile approached and was close enough, she lunged towards it and grabbed the head of the knight on board. As he tried to make sense of what was happening she put both her hands over his face and took control of him. As she continued to use her superhuman abilities her head throbbed; the pain even more intense than the missile blast she took not so long ago. Every second on the airmobile felt like an eternity; a never–ending barrage of pain; but she couldn’t give up, not now. She was too close to freedom, a freedom she longed for and one that she wasn’t going to let go of.

  As she used her abilities to gain control of the airmobile she knew what she had to do. She set her sights on one of the enemy aircraft and headed straight towards it; and as she did so, many of the knights looked on in confusion at the bizarre scene not sure what to make of it. She then readied the weapons of the airmobile aiming them directly at the cockpit of the enemy aircraft.

  She was only thirty feet away from the aircraft and impact would be in only a matter of seconds, and as she got closer, she braced herself. Now, only a mere five feet away and still invisible to the knights she leaped from the airmobile as it crashed into the aircraft and her momentum led her to the top of the aircraft only a few feet away from the damage.

  The collision caused quite an explosion, and the spectacle was made even more dazzling as the loaded weapons were detonated upon impact. The explosion not only destroyed the cockpit but also disabled the aircraft as well. Then, as she staggered to her feet to move further back from the damage, she realized that she was no longer invisible. She then quickly ran towards the back of the aircraft and jumped down; and as she did so she spotted some boulders and rushed towards them to hide.

  “We’re under attack,” the lead knight shouted, he himself unsure of what was happening.

  Many of the knights then pointed their weapons in all directions ready to shoot at anything they perceived as an enemy; while others, who were still confused about the situation headed towards the scene of the collision.

  As Luanne looked around, she realized that her plan – for now – was working as some of the knights were gathering towards the scene of the accident, and her distraction was somewhat going as planned, but she had to act fast to take advantage of it.

  Her head was still in severe pain from using her abilities, but she knew there was more to do in order to make her escape. She quickly assessed the two remaining flyable aircraft. The larger aircraft had a huge swath of knights around it, and they were on high alert, but the smaller aircraft had no one on the outside guarding it. Her preference would have been the larger aircraft, but this was not the time to be selective.

  She hid in the darkness trying to become invisible again, but her brain would not allow it this time. It rejected any notion of using her superhuman abilities. She had to do it the old–fashioned way; and she then touched the ground and with what little powers she had left she camouflaged herself and slowly crawled towards the aircraft. She finally made it to the smaller aircraft; her head still in severe pain from using her abilities. As she looked around, no one was there, and it was safe for now.

  Her body then returned back to her usual self as she walked in, and she then saw two lasers at the entrance and grabbed them both. She made her way to the cockpit and heard the voice of a knight advising his commander that all was clear on his aircraft. Shortly after the conversion ended she quietly walked up behind him; pointed the laser to his head and pulled the trigger.

  As he slumped over she pulled him off the seat, and the aircraft was now hers. The controls were very similar to what she was accustomed to during her training. She quickly did a scan of the aircraft to ensure no one else was on board, and it was all clear. She then readied the weapons and locked the door.

  As the aircraft began to move, the knights began firing at it. She fired back, and they ran for cover. She was now facing the larger aircraft and readied a missile; aiming it towards the cockpit. She then pulled the trigger, and the missile flew towards its target, and as it hit it, it inflicted a good amount of damage. It wasn’t enough to destroy it but just enough to disable the controls and prevent it from flying. She then quickly guided her aircraft to the air and headed away from her enemies.

  Over the radio, she could hear them telling her to turn back, but there was no chance of that. She could hear the commander ordering the airmobiles to follow her, and she increased her speed to the maximum the aircraft could go; there was no way her enemies would catch her now. She then input her coordinates and then went looking for food and a bed. She needed rest; using her superhuman abilities took everything she had; there was nothing left. If she were to encounter an enemy now, she would have no fight left in her. She was exhausted and unsure of what her next move would be if she were to come under attack. Then, as she looked ahead a sudden sense of calmness overcame her. Against all odds, she escaped her enemy; one prisoner against dozens of knights.

  Somehow she knew that destiny was on her side; and in some miraculous shape and form, her unborn child – who was not yet even conceived – was somehow guiding her to safety in this most unsurmountable of situations as its birth and creation depended on her survival. As crazy as that thought was, she somehow felt that it was the only possible way to explain her dreams and experiences. Then, as she looked at the destination coordinates on the console it read, “Freedom City” and the aircraft was now headed to one of earth’s last human strongholds; the center of the free world – Alaska.


  Twenty–one years later – The Americas

  As Jonah tossed and turned in bed from the effects of the almost life like dream that he was immersed in, he tried his best to wake himself from the surreal vision, but as usual, those that he was dreaming about would not let him do so, and were adamant to get the message to him that he belonged to them no matter how hard he tried to resist.

  “My child come to me, how many times must we visit you until you realize that we are eternally bonded,” said the voice of the unearthly and awe–inspiring being to Jonah.

  “I’ve told you before, and I will tell you again, I have no bond with you,” Jonah said to the figure whose body seemed to be made of liquefied diamond, and who for many years had infiltrated the dreams of Jonah in hopes of getting the message to him that they were eternally bonded and that he belonged to them.

  “Look at him Jonah, look at the power that awaits you,” the mystical figure said to Jonah as she pointed to the majestic Blue Dragon that hovered in the sky above.

  Then, as Jonah looked at the Blue Dragon, it opened its eyes, and as it saw Jonah it began to fly towards him, but as Jonah tried to run he was unable to do so and as the mighty Blue Dragon came closer and was about to collide with Jonah, it mightily roared and as it did so, Jonah awoke from his life like dream to screams from outside of his window, and as he jumped up f
rom his bed from the chilling dream which he had been experiencing for many years, he ran to his window to see what was happening outside.

  As he ran to the window of his bedroom, he heard the sounds of tussling and voices yelling back and forth.

  “Look at what you’ve done to me, leave us alone, we just want to live in peace,” one of the voices said.

  The other voice replied, “There will never be peace on earth,” and seconds later, Jonah heard more screams and then there was silence. As he looked out of the window to ensure that everything was okay, he squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of the alleyway and he saw a silhouette running away from the scene. As he lay back down, he had an urge to go downstairs and see what the silhouette was running away from and he quickly stood up and went to get his gear.

  As he headed for the door, a voice said, “No son, don’t go, it won’t make a difference.”

  “Dad you know I can’t do that, someone down there needs help,” Jonah replied, and with that, he headed down the side of the building towards the direction in which the attack took place.

  As he made his way down the rusted stairs, he could see the sun beginning to rise. He then glanced at his watch and looked at the time, and as he cautiously made his way to the stagnant body; he could see it was a male, with light brown skin color and was dressed in traditional middle eastern clothing. Jonah then yelled out to see if there would be any response, but there was none.

  As he stood over the victim to assess the wounds he could see a few stab wounds to the forehead and a hole that was roughly two centimeters in diameter through his face, and it exited outside the back of his head; it was a clean shot and it went right through. He knew that only a high powered laser could inflict damage like that with absolutely no sound; but why would someone kill a harmless religious folk in such cold blood. It could’ve been anyone he thought; an assassin, a rogue knight, an outlaw, or even a vigilante taking revenge for a past crime.